Sunday, 19 May 2013

Function 2nd Part

Explanation: This program contains a user-defined function named message ( ). It requires no arguments and returns nothing. It displays only a message when called.

Without arguments and but with return values:
/* program to receive values from the user defined function without passing any value
through main ( )*/
void main( )
int z;
z=add ( );        /* FUNCTION CALL*/
print(sum = %d,z);
add ( )            /* FUNCTION DEFINITION*/
int a=2, b=3, y;
return (y);

Calling function
Called function
int z;


printf(sum = %d”,z);

ßNo arguments are passed.

No values are sent back à
add ( )
int a=2,b=3,y;



In this type of function no arguments are passed through the main ( ) function (calling function). But the  called function (add ( )) returns the values. Here the called function is independent. It re data from the keyboard or generates form the initialization and returns the values. In this type both the calling function and  called function are partly communicated with each other.

With arguments but without return values
In this type of functions arguments are passed to the calling function. The called function
operates  on  the  values.  But  no  result  is  sent  back.  This  called  function  is  also  partly dependent on the calling function. The result obtained is utilized in the called function only.

Ex: /* program to calculate sum of two numbers using user-defined function*/
void main ( )
void add (int, int); /* FUNCTION PROTOTYPE */

int a, b;
clrscr( );
printf(“enter the values of a and b);
scanf(“%d%d, &a,&b);
add(a,b);    /* FUNCTION CALL */
getch( );

add (int x,int y) /* FUN DEFINITION*/
int z; /*Local variable declaration*/
z = x+y;
printf(“sum = %d,z);


Explanation: in this program two values are passed to add ( ) function. The add ( ) function receives argument from main ( ) and displays sum of a and b. But it returns nothing.
Calling function
Called function
void main()
int a,b;
printf(enter the value of a & b”);
scanf(%d %d”, &a, &b);
add (a,b );

ßArguments are passed.
No values are sent back à

add (int x, int y )
int z;    //Local variable z = x + y;
printf( sum = %d”,z);


With arguments and return values:
In this type of functions a copy of actual argument is passed to the formal argument from the
calling function to the called function. Called function operates on those data values and it will return the  result to the calling function. Here data is transferred between calling and called functions.

Ex: /* program to calculate sum of two numbers using user-defined function */
void main()
void add(int, int);  /*Function prototype declaration */
int a, b, z;
clrscr( );
printf(“enter the values of a and b);
scanf(“%d %d, &a, &b);
z=add (a,b);   /* Function CALL*/
printf(“sum = %d, z);
add (int x, int y)       /* Function Definition */
return (x+y);

Calling function
Called function
void main()
int a, b, z;
printf(enter the value of a &
scanf(%d %d”, &a, &b);
z = add (a,b );
printf( sum = %d”, z);
getch( );

ßArguments are passed. values are send back à

add (int x, int y )

return ( x + y);


Local variables & Global variables:-

These are two types of variables.

a) Local Variables    7

b) Global Variables.
a) Local Variables:-
The variables declared inside a function are known as local variables. The values of these
variables cannot be accessed by any other function.


void sum (int a, int b)
int z;               //local variable
return (z);

Here z is a Local Variable which is declared in the function sum. So, the value of z is restricted to the function sum.

Example Program:-

void main()
int a=1,b=2;   //local variables
printf(“in main( ), a=%d,b=%d,a,b);
fun( );
void fun()
int a=6,b=5;   //local variables
printf(“in fun( ),a=%d,b=%d,a,b);

b) Global Variables:-
The variables declared outside the main( ) function are known as global variables. These
variables can be accessed by all the functions of the program.

Example Program:-

int a=3,b=4;           /global variables
void main( )
clrscr( );
printf(“in main(), a=%d,b=%d,a,b);
a++; b++; fun( );
void fun( )
printf(“in fun( ),a=%d,b=%d,a,b);

Distinguish between global variables and local variables

Local Variables
Global variables
1.Local variables can be used only inside the
function or the block in which they are declared
1. Global variables can used throughout the
2. Local variables  get initialized each time
the    function    or    block    containing    their declaration is entered.
2. Global variables get initialized only once,
before the program starts executing.
3. A local variable can contain variables in its
3. The initial value that you supply for a
global variable must be constant.
4. A local variable loses its value, the
moment the function/block containing it is exited. So we cannot expect a local variable to remain the value deposited in it, the
previous time the function/block was entered.
4.Global     variables     retain     their     values
throughout their execution.
5.Local variables do not get initialized to any
specific value, when a value is not provided. Thus    a    local    variable    begins    with   an unknown value, which may be different each time.
5. All Global variables, in the absence of
explicit initialization, are automatically initialized. A global int variable begins with the value 0, a global float gets initialized to
0.0, a global char holds the ASCII null byte, and a global pointer points to NULL.

Data transfer between the functions / Parameters Passing:

The technique of passing data from one function to another is known as parameters passing. Parameter passing can be done in two ways:
1.  Call by value
2.  Call by reference

Call by value:
In this type value of actual arguments are passed to the formal arguments and the operation is
done on the formal arguments. Any change made in the formal arguments does not affect the actual arguments because formal arguments are photocopy of actual arguments.

Changes made in the formal arguments are local to the block of the called function. Once the control returns back to the calling function the changes made vanish.

/* Example program to send values by call by value*/
void main( )
int a=2,b=3;
void display(int, int);
clrscr( );
display(a, b);
printf(\n\n In main \t a=%d \t b=%d, a, b);


getch( );

void display (int x, int y)
printf(\n In display( ) before change \t a=%d \t b=%d\n, x,y);
printf(\n In display( ) after change \t a=%d \t b=%d \n, x, y);

/* Example program on swapping of 2 numbers by using call by value */
void swap(int,int);
void main( )
int a,b;
printf(“enter any two values\n); scanf(“%d%d,&a,&b); swap(a,b);
void swap(int x,int y)
int t; t=x; x=y; y=t;
printf(“after interchange\n);
printf(“%d %d,x,y);

Call by reference:
In this type instead of passing values, addresses (reference) are passed. Function operates on
addresses rather than values. Here the formal arguments are pointers to the actual arguments. Formal arguments point to the actual arguments. Hence the changes made in the arguments are permanent. i.e., the changes made in formal arguments will affect the actual arguments.

/* Example program to send values by call by reference*/
void main( )
int a=2,b=3;
void display(int*, int*);
display(&a, &b);
printf(\n\n in main \t a=%d \t b=%d, a, b);
void display (int *x, int *y)
printf(\n in display( ) before change \t a=%d \t b=%d\n, *x, *y);


printf(\n in display( ) after change \t a=%d \t b=%d \n, *x, *y);

/* Ex 2: Swapping of 2 numbers */
#include<conio.h> void swap(int *,int *); void main( )
int a,b;
printf(“enter any two values\n); scanf(“%d%d,&a,&b); swap(&a,&b);
printf(“after interchange\n);
printf(“%d %d,a,b);
getch( );
void swap(int *x,int *y)
int t;

Function returning more values:
We know that a function can return only one value per call. But we can force the function to
return more than one value per call by using call by reference.

void main( )
int x,y, add, sub, change (int*,int*,int*,int*);
printf(\n enter values of x&y); scanf(“%d %d, &x, &y); change(&x, &y, &add, &sub);
printf(\n Addition=%d \n Subtraction=%d, add, sub);
change(int *a, int *b, int *c, int *d)
Explanation: In this program return statement is not used. Still function returns more than one value. Actually, no values are returned. Once the addresses of the variables are available, we can directly access them and modify their contents.


1.  The memory address of any variable is unique.
2.  If  we  declare  the  same  variable  for  actual  and  formal  arguments,  their  memory addresses will be different from each other.


Storage Classes:- Not only data type is required to declare a variable but its storage class also has to be mentioned.                             (or)

The variables declared in C programs are totally different from other languages. We can use the same variable names in the C program in separate blocks. When we declare a variable it is available only to specific part or block of the program. Remaining block or other function cannot get access to the variable.

The area or block of the C program from where the variable can be accessed is known as the scope of variable. The area or scope of the variable depends on its storage class i.e. where and how it is declared. There are four scope variables in C.

1.  Function
2.  File
3.  Block
4.  Function prototype

A storage class of variable tells us four things:

(i)  Where the variable would be stores.
(ii) The Scope of the variable i.e., in which region of the program the value of variable is actually available for us active.
(iii) Life of the variable i.e., how long the variable i.e., how long the variable would be active
in the program(longevity or alive).
(iv) The initial value of the variable if it is not initialized.

Any variable declared in C can have any one of the four storage classes:
1.  Automatic variables.
2.  External variables.
3.  Static variables.
4.  Register variables.

The variables may also be broadly categorized, depending on the place of their declaration, as
1.  Internal variables (local)
2.  External variables (global)

1) Automatic variables are defined inside a function. A variable declared inside a function without storage class name, by default is an auto variable.

The features of automatic variables are:-
Storage           :
Initial value    :
Garbage (or) unpredictable
Scope              :
Within the function



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