Tuesday, 7 May 2013

.Net Training on day 2

.NET(Network Extended Technology (or) Network Enabled Technology)

It is a platform or a collection of many small technology integrated as a single large file for developing very powerful application which can be used any where any time. 

                   These are used for developing any type of application.
For example: C#,VB.NET etc

i) Compiler:    These are used to compile the instruction present with in the application to generate the native code of the platform such that the application can be executed.

For example: CSC,VBC etc

ii) Common Language Specification (CLS):   It is a specification provided by the .NET technology such that all the language should follow the CLS.

NOTE: CLS help .NET in achieving language interoperability where language Interoperability means using the code written in one language from other language application

iii) Common Type System(CTS):   It is a collection of data type provided by .NET frame work which can be use by any language that target the .NET technology

NOTE: VB.NET 1.X doesn't support unsigned datatype & hence in order to use unsigned data type in VB.NET
> 1.X it is mandatory to use CTS data types

iv) WinForms(Windows Forms):  It is a specification which is used for developing Desktop (or) client server applications.

ASP.NET( Active Server Pages for .NET):
                    It is a specification for developing websites and services

ADO.NET(ActiveX Data Object for .NET): 
                   It is a specification for interacting with any database (or) XML documents.

Base Class Library(BCL):
                              It is a collection of rich class definitions such that class definitions can be used from any application that are developed using any language that targets the .NET

              .NET achieves language in-dependency with the support of CTS & BCL

Common Language Runtime (CLR):
                       It is a collection of resources which are used for executing the .NET application with in the .NET environment.

Observation On the Usage Of CLR:

Executable File: When ever an application can be executed implicitly by the OS without any runtime environment (or) tools then such type of files are said to be executable file.

MetaData:  It is used to maintain the information about the header files which are used with in the application.

Code:  The compiled instruction present with an executable file will bne in the native format of the OS & hence no additional runtime environment (or) tools are required for execution.

X86 Instruction set:  It maintains the complete information about the platform which is required for execution.

Observation on Executable File: An executable file provides the complete data which is required for the operating system for executing the file & hence it doesn't require any additional runtime environment

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  1. Dear Sir / Madam
    you specified the abbreviation of .NET as .NET(Network Extended Technology (or) Network Enabled Technology)

    But I am searched in "MSDN" the official site for "MicroSoft", but I couldn't find any abbreviation for .NET.

    Could you please tell me where you found the .NET abbreviation ?

    Thanking you

  2. This article, which basically provides a .net development training for new and thus provides good help for beginner level .net developers.
