1. What are different types of storage classes in c?
A. There are 4 storage classes in c ie
iii)Static &
i) Automatic(Auto):
Storage: Memory
Default Initial Value: Garbage Value
Scope: Local to block in which variable is declared.
Life: Till the control remain with in block in which variable is declared
ii) Register:
Storage: CPU Registers
Default Initial Value: Garbage Value
Scope: Local to block in which variable is defined.
Life: Till the control remain with in block in which variable is defined.
iii) Static:
Storage: Memory
Default Initial Value: Zero
Scope: Local to block in which variable is defined.
Life: Till value of the variable persists between different function call
iv) External:
Storage: Memory
Default Initial Value: Zero
Scope: Global
Life: As long as program's execution doesn't come to an end.
2. What is meant by pointer?
A. It is an Operator(*). It is called Value at address.
A. There are 4 storage classes in c ie
iii)Static &
i) Automatic(Auto):
Storage: Memory
Default Initial Value: Garbage Value
Scope: Local to block in which variable is declared.
Life: Till the control remain with in block in which variable is declared
ii) Register:
Storage: CPU Registers
Default Initial Value: Garbage Value
Scope: Local to block in which variable is defined.
Life: Till the control remain with in block in which variable is defined.
iii) Static:
Storage: Memory
Default Initial Value: Zero
Scope: Local to block in which variable is defined.
Life: Till value of the variable persists between different function call
iv) External:
Storage: Memory
Default Initial Value: Zero
Scope: Global
Life: As long as program's execution doesn't come to an end.
2. What is meant by pointer?
A. It is an Operator(*). It is called Value at address.
- Can be applied to any data type
- Declaration
int *j;
int i=10;
3. What is meant by "float *s"?
A. It stores the address of floating point variable but not the floating point value.
4. How to declare 'pointer to array'?
A. Int (*p)[2]
Brackets to p are necessary
5. How to declare 'array to pointer'?
A. Int *s[4]
6. How to declare 'pointer to function'?
A. Every function in C is associated with some address
Declaration: int display();
int (*fun-ptr)(); (parenthesis are necessary)
display=fun-ptr; (address assignment)
(*fun-ptr)(); (invokes the function display)
7. What is meant by Structure and how to declare it?
A. It is defined as that the data type in which it stores Dissimilar datatypes.
struct book (new data type)
char name;
float price;
int pages;
8. Is it possible to declare any number of variables in structure?
A. Yes, it is possible to declare any number of variables
eg: struct book b1,b2,b3
9. What are features of Structure?
A. * The value of structure variable can be assigned to another structure of same type using assignment operator
* One structure can be nested with in another structure.
* A structure variable can also be passed as an argument to function.
* Pointer to applicable to structure
* Main use of structure is database management.
10.What are the uses of structure?
9. What are features of Structure?
A. * The value of structure variable can be assigned to another structure of same type using assignment operator
* One structure can be nested with in another structure.
* A structure variable can also be passed as an argument to function.
* Pointer to applicable to structure
* Main use of structure is database management.
10.What are the uses of structure?
A. * Changing the size of cursor
* Clearing the content of screen
* Placing the cursor to an appropriate position on screen
* Drawing any graphics shape on the screen
* Receiving a key from keyboard
* Checking the memory size of this computer
* Finding out the list of equipment attached to the computer
* Formatting a floppy
* Hiding a file from directory
* Displaying directory of disk
* sending the output to printer
* Interacting with the mouse.
11.What is difference between structures and array?
11.What is difference between structures and array?
A *Array is collection of similar elements
*Structure is a data type which stores dissimilar data types.
* Array is a derived data type
* Structure is user defined data type.
12.What is meant by Malloc() ?
A * It is standard library function
*It is used to allocate memory dynamically during the time of execution.
* By using array we get fixed with some size but using malloc() we can create our own required size by passing number of bytes
* Malloc takes single argument
13.What is Macros?
A Macros are defined labels which can be replaced at any time by the user.
Ex. #define MAX 35
#define Z Printf (Z is used in place of printf)
14.What is meant by call by value?
A Call by value is defined as “sending the values of the variable as argument”.
Ex. Swap(x,y); ………….> Function calling
Swap(int a,int b) ……………> Function definition
{ …………………}
15.What is meant by call by Reference?
A Call by Reference is defined as “Passing the address of the variable as argument”.
Ex. Swap(&a,&b); ………….> Function calling
Swap(int *x,int *y) ……………> Function definition
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