Features of .NET
> Language Interoperability
> Language Independency
> Platform Independency
> Device Independency
> Security
> A New Data Base Object Model
> Globalization & Localization
1) Language Independency:
All the languages are equally powerful & hence any language can be used for developing any type of application.
Solution from Microsoft using .NET:
.NET technology has been introduced with rich Base Class Library (BCL) & also with Common Type System (CTS) using which .NET achieves language independency
2) Platform Independency:
Whenever an application developed for one platform for executed windows OS if the same application can be executed from other platform such as linux, unix, mac, OS2 etc without recompilation or modifications then it is said to be supporting platform independency.
.NET application can be executed with in windows OS using CLR & also it can be executed with in Linux Os using Mono Tools & other OS doesn't support .NET technology is a platform dependent technology
* Since .NET technology is supported by more than one platform it can be considered as partially Independent technology
3) Device Independency:
Whenever an application is developed for one device if the application can be executed from other devices without recompilation or modifications then it is said to be supporting device independency.
Solution using .NET:
.NET technology has been introduced with mobile .NET technology using which device independent can be developed
.NET technology also support device specific application development using "smart device application" technology.
4) Security:
Solution using .NET
> For Desktop Application:
i) Code access security
ii) Role based security
> For Web application & Server:
i) Form authentication
ii)Windows authentication
iii)Passport authentication
> For Data:
i) Cryptography
5) A New Data Base Object Model:
Before .NET all the database object models are COM based & hence all the limitations of COM such as DLL HELL, Versioning, DLL locking etc. will be applicable on DB models & hence a new database objects model was required.
Solution using .NET:
.NET technology has been introduced with ADO.NET which is a frame work for interacting with an database (or) XML documents.
6) Globalization & Localization:
Whenever an application support multiple language & culture then it is said to be supporting Globalization & Localization.
Solution using .NET:
.NET technology has been introduced with Rich Base Class Library & Resource assembly file using which Globalization & Localization can be achieved.
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